All My Thanks

And the award goes to…

Friends and esteemed guests, and of course, my children—I can’t begin to muster up all the words I have for this prestigious award. I can barely squeak out a whole thank you.

While it sounds trite and completely cliched, I am blessed to be here, in front of you, accepting this award. Counting my blessings takes on a whole new meaning as I’m trying to think of all who to thank. It seems funny to say, but I truly have a community that offers everything, including the kitchen sink, to me. So, thank you.

First, I want to lay this out in front of you before the music cues on my exit. Success doesn’t happen in a vacuum. It cannot exist without the fresh air of an involved community. Without your participation, this work wouldn’t have been possible.

There were certainly days I was ready to throw in the towel, but I didn’t hold back. I knew I had to press forward, roll up my sleeves, and get my hands dirty.

I would like to thank my husband for setting the table for success. Without his endeavors and prodding encouragement, I would have given up my chance for a clean sweep. He, above all else, made me get off the couch and try.

Second, I would like to thank my children. All three of you pushed me to be a better version, and you handed it all to me on a plate. I would be nothing without your love and patience. I love you all so much and…


Ring. Ring. Ring.

“Oh, hi, honey!”

“Hey Neidy, when will you be done loading the dishwasher?”

“Soon! I’m just about done!”


And that’s my cue! Thank you again for the prestigious award of “Best Dishwasher-Loader.” I do not take this honor lightly, and I hope next year, I’ll be back! 


Sometimes we all need to celebrate the tiny moments of mundane life.

Because if we don’t choose to award ourselves for the small moments, who will?

This post is part of a blog hop with Exhale—an online community of women pursuing creativity alongside motherhood, led by the writing team behind Coffee + Crumbs. Click here to view the next post in the series "Acceptance Speech".